How I Know God is With Me

How I know God is with me | God is with you | God protects us | A story of God's protection | Angels | Above the Waves || #angels

I want to tell you this story, because I think it illustrates God’s sovereignty, wisdom, and love. It was a time where he showed me that he is with me, that I am never alone.  This is one of my more dramatic stories.  Most of what I experience in my daily life with God more subtle. Most of His work in my life is behind the scenes, and sadly, I’m sure I miss noticing the majority of it.  But this time, he chose to show his love in a way that I couldn’t miss. 


I was thirteen and riding my bike around the state on a three-day tour with other kids from my church.  I was younger than everyone else and one of the only girls.  Because of this, I felt like I had something to prove.  I was pushing myself hard, but after a morning of climbing some tough hills, I was behind everyone else. 


One guy turned around and came back to ride with me so I wouldn’t be alone.  We were on a mostly deserted stretch of highway in eastern Washington.  Shortly after this guy joined me, a big semi truck came blazing around a corner, on a hill, oblivious to my presence.  Since I was going downhill, I was moving very fast.  The shoulder of the road was full of gravel, but not feeling like there was a choice, I moved over farther.  The gravel caused me to lose control of my bike and I crashed, big time.  I had gravel in my mouth, deeply embedded in my elbows in my knees, and even a few big chunks were stuck in my helmet. 

I was in a daze and bleeding.  We didn’t have cell phones.  This was before those days.  The guy who was with me took off to get help.  I didn’t notice any pain at the time, I was only aware of one thing…that I didn’t want to be alone on the side of that highway.  So I prayed and I asked God to send somebody. 


Right away, an Asian man in a mini van drove up and came and sat with me.  I remember talking to him and being comforted that he was there.  I remember that his presence was calming, and that he gave me a bottle of Snapple.  He waited with me until help arrived. 

On the way to the hospital, I told my youth pastor and the other people in the car, how grateful I was that the man in the mini van had stayed with me.  Nobody had seen him. 

How I Know God is With Me: an angel story I are angels real I testimony of God's presence I why God is trustworthy I God's protection I Above the Waves II #angels #Godslove

Was this man an angel?  I don’t know for sure, but I do know that both the guy who turned around to ride with me, so I wouldn’t be alone, and the man who stopped and sat with me until help arrived, were used in a supernatural way by a sovereign God who loves me and is never far from me.  I also know that God’s infinite wisdom was at work here, for it was through this experience, that I was able to come to a place of deeper understanding and trust. 

God has a purpose for the way he works in our lives.  We can’t always see it, but we can trust in his goodness. 

“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8

How has God personally reached out to you to show you love?  I'd love to hear your stories.