Fear and Faith: a review and giveaway

Fear and Faith, finding the peace your heart craves by Trillia Newbell- a review

Fear and Faith, finding the peace your heart craves, by Trillia J. Newbell  is a book that uses scripture, stories from women who have struggled themselves with worry, and  points to the character of God as  the reason that fear can be replaced with faith. 

Trillia is also the author of United: Captured by God’s Vision for Diversity.  She has written for Desiring God, Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, and more.  She writes from personal experience, sharing her own stories of her struggle with fear and how she has been learning to overcome that through faith in Jesus.

This book is in the same genre that I have been writing in primarily, here at Above the Waves, and it can best be characterized as a Christian Living/Memoir about trusting Jesus. 

Fear is a temptation that all of us struggle with, but that it is not part of God’s perfect plan for our lives.  This book is about the gift of faith that is available to all, and a God that we can place our trust in, a God who loves us and in control. 

Within the topics of fear and faith, Trillia focuses on subjects such as fear of man, the future, other women, tragedy, not measuring up, physical appearance and physical intimacy.  The second half of the book offers practical guidance and discusses why we can trust God, the fear of the Lord, when your fears come true, and growing in the fear of the Lord.

I thought this book was easy to read, with engaging and relatable stories that kept me interested throughout.  Trillia’s words are clear and practical, offering a compassionate, balanced approach to dealing with fear in our lives, like a big sister who has been there and wants to encourage us all to a better life and the hope that can be found through a personal relationship and faith in Christ Jesus.

I would recommend this book to any woman who struggles with anxiety and fear, who wants to find peace through a faith in God that is available to all. 

I was provided a copy of this book free of charge, for review.  All opinions are my own.  The publisher has generously offered to allow me to give one of you a copy of this book.  If you would like a chance to win, just leave a comment and I will draw a random name on Friday.

Also, on Friday, I'm giving away a $20 Amazon gift card!  If you missed my last post, you can still go there and enter. All I'm asking is that you help me out and complete a survey (sorry, it doesn't show on mobile devices).  I would greatly appreciate this.  It's ten short questions to help me determine how I can better serve you as I write here.  For those of you who have already completed it- thank you!  Your feedback is wonderful and I'm thinking about how I can apply it, to make Above the Waves even better. 

Linking up with Kelly and friends at #RaRalinkup