30 Ways to Be Renewed: Body, Spirit & Mind

Renew: to make like new : restore to freshness (Merriam Webster)

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30 ways to be renewed in body, mind, and spirit I Christian retreats I Christian self-care I ideas for self-care I Christian women retreat ideas I Above the Waves I #selfcare #christianwomen #Christianretreats

The ideas wouldn't flow.  I felt like I was stuck in mud.  It seemed like I had depleted every ounce of creativity and strength I had in me. As a busy mom and as a writer, I knew I needed replenishment.  Spiritually, I realized I was little dry, as well.  I wasn't satisfied with the stale routine I had going.  I had been checking off the "to dos" of Bible reading and prayer out of duty, rather than a deep thirst for more of God. 

I knew God's promises.  I've experienced his truths. I just needed to act upon them. 

"but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

My number one priority in my new action plan was to wait on the Lord.  That's what Isaiah 40:31 said to do- so I was going to do it. Waiting sounded kind of passive, though, so I decided to make sure I had the correct understanding of what it meant.  I wanted to take action!  

The more I studied, the more I realized that waiting on the Lord was all about trusting him, patiently. not passively, but with expectation and hope.  It also meant resting.  

Patience and rest.  Those don't come easily to me. How about you?  I think a lot of women have a hard time with patience and rest.  They're important, though- and worth pursuing.  

I wanted to draw closer to God. I wanted to renew my strength. I wanted to replenish my creativity. Then I started reading a book called, The Artist's Way, by Julie Cameron (it's a good book, I highly recommend it to anyone...not just writers).  It was through this book that I was introduced to the idea of the artist date

The idea of the artist date is to schedule regular time, each week, doing something that you love, something that's good for you, on your own.  It's essential for health and creativity.  Everyone needs this. You need this! 

If you need some ideas to spark your imagination and get you started, then you're in the right place. I've made a list called, 30 Ways to Be Renewed:  Body, Mind, and Spirit.....(available HERE)

30 ways to be renewed.jpg

Trusting God, resting in his promises, and taking regular artist dates, or mini-retreats, helped me to feel renewed.  I re-gained my strength, the creative ideas began to flow again, and I felt at rest after I started to pay attention and take care of myself better.  

I felt healthier all over: body, mind, and spirit.  I began to see how it important it was to stay balanced in all three of these areas that make up who we are.  These ideas changed my lifestyle.

Those were changes that happened about seven years ago, and I've stuck with them. I experienced a renewal- and it has made all the difference. 

Sharing my faith in this space with you all has been one of my greatest joys in life.  I love to write about the things of God.  I've stayed within that niche, here, on the blog, and I will continue to do so, as long as God calls me to. 

It is also my great privilege and joy to have been able to devote the last few months to creating a project that I believe God put on my heart to offer to women.  Renew: online retreat is a little different from what I share regularly on the blog.  It uses a holistic, lifestyle-based approach to renewing body, spirit, and mind using a four-week repeating framework that addresses five main ideas: inspire (mind), rejuvenate (body), create, connect, and Sabbath (rest).  All of this is built upon a foundation of faith in Christ.

My hope and prayer is that this resource will provide inspiration and accountability for women who are in need of rest and renewal.  I also think it's going to be a lot of fun!  Recipes, tutorials, videos, playlists and essays, are all to be found within this retreat. 

renew online retreat

One of the recurring features within the retreat is a weekly interview series, with several online ministry leaders, on the topic of Sabbath rest.  Below, you can get a small taste.  Here's an interview I conducted with my friend, Melanie Redd....

You may access the Renew resource page HERE.

resources, faithDawn Klinge