Look to Jesus: How to Let Go of Worry and Trust God

Look to Jesus, a new book...coming soon!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, with all your, soul, and with all your might.  Lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.  

Proverbs 3: 5-6

I have a new book coming out!  The release date is set for January 26th, 2016.  It's called Look to Jesus: How to Let Go of Worry and Trust God.  It will be available in paperback and digital on Amazon.  


Trusting in the Lord with all your heart and letting go of worry is my heart's desire.   As someone who grew up in church, I've long known a lot of the “right” answers when it comes to sounding like a Christian.  The truths of the Christian faith have been in my head for a long time.  But just because something is in your head, doesn’t mean it has worked its way into your heart.  Only the Holy Spirit can do that part.  I have been learning to trust Jesus throughout my life and I’ve experienced the blessings of what happens when I do.

The truth of what it means to trust Jesus has been working its way into my heart by the grace of the Holy Spirit.  I’m still a work in progress.  Trusting in Jesus is something I want to do more of and understand more fully- so I wrote a book about it.  This book is for people like me, who want the idea of trusting God to go deeper than head knowledge, people who want to trust Jesus with all of their heart and aren’t always sure how to do that.  It's for people who know that trust is not something they can just conjure up on their own.  It’s about asking the Holy Spirit to come in and change our hearts.


If you don't want to wait until January 26th to read the book, there will be a special opportunity for a sneak peak (for subscribers only) coming even sooner!  My newsletter comes out only once per month, at the end of each month...so you can be looking for this surprise in the December newsletter (right around Christmas). 

Launch Team Members Needed

Look To Jesus:  How to Let Go of Worry and Trust God will be released in January 2016.  I'm so excited to share this book with you!  Here's how you can help me....

If you are a blogger who is active on social media and you're interested in participating on this book's launch team, let's talk!  You may use the contact form at the top of this website to send me a message before January 8th, 2016. Space is limited.  

Team members will receive a pdf of Look to Jesus. You will be asked to write an honest review of the book's content, sharing it on various outlets such as Amazon, Goodreads and your blog during the timeframe of January 29-February 5th.  In return, you'll receive my everlasting gratitude!  ; ) You will also be invited to join a private Facebook group with other team members- where you can meet new friends, network, receive information about the launch, and share related content with each other.  

As a bonus, and an expression of my gratitude, I will also include your blog's name and a link to it in a special blog post here at Above the Waves during launch week. 

I know this is a busy time of year and I hope you'll be enjoying the holidays and relaxing as much as possible.  I won't ask you to do anything during December except sign up.  If you want to get an early start on reading the book, I'll be sending it out starting December 11th, but it's not necessary.   I'm asking for help right now so that we'll be ready to go when January gets here!!


***Update*** The book is now available!



writing, resourcesDawn Klinge