Unlikely Friendships and Unexpected Blessings

I thought I was prepared for that first winter in Seattle.  It rained all the time, of course.  I knew to expect that.  I could adapt to gray skies and rain.  I determined to make the best of it by buying everyone in my family some bright, happy colored rain boots in those first days after our big move. 

Unlikely Friendships and Unexpected Blessings

My new rain boots made me smile, and they kept my feet warm and dry, but they did little to fix the real problem.  What I was really craving was the warmth and connection of some friendships to brighten my days in this new city. 

By the time spring arrived, I was ready to do something about the gray loneliness that had settled over my soul.  I prayed to God, asking for friends. 

I'm writing at (in)courage today.  To read the rest, click HERE.

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How Unlikely Friendships Bring Unexpected Blessings I Christian friendship I intergenerational friendship I blessing of friendship I (in)courage I relationships I Above the Waves II #friendship #christianfriends

Linking up with Deb Wolf at #faithandfriends (Friday), #GraceandTruth (Friday), Holly Gerth at #coffeeforyourheart (Wednesday), Susanne Eller at #livefreeThursday, Carmen at #salt&light (Thursday), Kelly at #RaRalinkup (Tuesday), and Lori at #Momentsofhope (Monday)


friendshipDawn Klinge