How to Pray: 3 Simple Types

“Prayer and faith are not separate realities that are merely mutually dependent or exist side by side. Prayer is always closely connected with the reality of faith; it is the meeting of a person with God in faith, and finally, it is a form of actualization of faith.” -Father Tadeusz Dajczer- The Gift of Faith

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faith, prayerDawn Klinge
Hiking Essentials: What You Need to Know

I don't write about lifestyle topics often in this space, but today I thought I'd try something a little different and share something about a hobby that I enjoy- hiking. With the springtime weather finally warming things up around here, hiking has been on my mind. It's time to get outside more often and enjoy the beauty of God's creation.

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Nothing Moved But the Tide: A Short Story

Some of you may know I’ve been working on writing my first novel, a historical romance called Sorrento Girl. The manuscript for this is finally at a stage where I can start exploring different options for publication. I don't know how long that process will take, but I'm guessing I might need some patience.

I'm looking forward to the day when I can share Sorrento Girl with you all. While I wait, I thought it would be fun to write a short story that I could share right now.

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writing, booksDawn Klinge
What a Prayer Walk is (and Why it's Powerful)

The first time I learned about the idea of a prayer walk, I was a newlywed in college. Late one Friday night in the fall, after having just gone to sleep, my husband and I heard a lot of voices in the hallway landing outside our apartment door, then a knock. Derek got up and answered, and I overheard the following question, “Hey, we’re going on a prayer walk around the campus tonight? You want to come?”

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prayerDawn Klinge