It's One of the Greatest Debates of All Time in the Church

What does election mean in theology?  calvinism theology I calvinism vs arminianism I theology christian I #calvinism #arminianism #theology

I’m a water-skier.  


At the age of 6, I started skiing on two skis behind a pontoon boat. Then, in middle school, I began my love affair with the slalom ski. One ski, both feet, smooth sailing. 


When given the opportunity, I still love to pop up on one ski behind a boat. I don’t last as long or ski as fast as I used to, but I still love the thrill of being moving across the water in rhythm. 


One of the greatest skills involved with water skiing is balance. 


If you lean too far forward, you’ll fall over head first. If you lean too far backwards, you’ll crash to the rear. And, if you lean too far to one side or the other, you’ll fall as well. 


Perfect balance is needed to glide across the water at 30 miles per hour on a small piece of wood. 


Similarly, perfect balance is needed in other areas of life as well.  


One of these is in our theology. If we veer too far to the front, the back, or to one side, we will lose our balance. Problems and issues are imminent when we lose this balance in spiritual and biblical matters. 


Today’s doctrine topic is one of the most hotly debated and highly inflammable issues of our day. Churches, Christian schools, seminaries, and believers of all categories have discussed this topic to exhaustion. And, the debate lives on. 


In fact, it may be one of the greatest debates of all time in Christendom. 



It will not be my attempt today to resolve the debate. Rather, I’d like to offer some balance. Let’s consider the main questions involved in this debate: 


First, what’s the topic? Election of the saints – who does God choose? 


Second, what is election?  

For the rest of the post, please join my friend, Melanie Redd at her site. 



Join us as we take a clear and practical look at some of the most basic and essential tenets of the Christian life – the doctrines of the faith.  

Each week, we will highlight and explain a core doctrine. Then, we will pose the question, “Why does this matter to you and me?” 

You can catch all of this year’s “Delight in Doctrine” posts by clicking HERE.  

For the purposes of the study, our main texts will be first, the Bible, of course, and Wayne Grudem’s classic, Systematic Theology:  An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine.   

It is our prayer that by the end of 2017, we will all find more delight in understanding what we believe and why we believe it.  

“…And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27 (ESV)

Linking up with Deb Wolf at #faithandfriends (Friday), #GraceandTruth (Friday), Holly Gerth at #coffeeforyourheart (Wednesday), Susanne Eller at #livefreeThursday, Carmen at #salt&light (Thursday), Kelly at #RaRalinkup (Tuesday), and Lori at #Momentsofhope (Monday)
